What are the rules for apostrophes? Use apostrophes - they have? When you combine two words with one or more letters left out you form what is called a? Does apostrophes have an apostrophe? Does inches have one or two apostrophes? What is the possessive pronoun for the words It and you? Is there a apostrophe in stories? Is there an apostrophe in journeys? What is it called when you combine two words like could and not with an apostrophe?
What eats primary consumers? What are the correct usages of apostrophes? How do you spell advantage'ss? What is it called when you combine two words in a rhyming fashion For example the name Jordan and the word Ordinary to make Jordinary? Trending Questions. Give me food and I will live give me water and I will die what am I? What is bigger than an asteroid but smaller than Mercury and farther from the sun than Neptune?
Has a human ever been mailed via the United States Postal Service? Still have questions? Find more answers. Previously Viewed. Asked 8 years, 11 months ago. Active 6 years, 5 months ago. Viewed k times. Two very well established examples I can think of are: Guesstimate i. Improve this question. Urbycoz Urbycoz They're called portmanteau words. Here's the wiki : en.
So, what's the process called? Urbycoz: It's called blending. I don't know about you, but I call it creombination. This question is a doublicate of english.
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A blend is normally made from word that would normally appear together, for example 'simcast' from 'simultaneous broadcast', while a portmanteau is made from words connected by theme, as in the OPs guesstimate made from 'guess' and 'estimate'. Word of the day. Trending Words Most popular in the world. Are You Learning English? Name 2 This field is required. Name 3. Name 4. Name 5. Name 6. What is a Name Combiner Used For? What is it called when you combine couple names?
Ship names? Combining Words Our name mixer can be used to easily combine words and make new words as well.