The Yukshee is to have the power to speak through my voice as and when she pleases, yet respect the primacy of my own voice in me, and its right to veto whether she can speak. It is for those who want an immense harem, which is very powerful, and unbound. I seek sexual fulfillment from the largest single Ein Soph approved Yukshee harem that is willing to travel to and soft bind to me under its own power.
I do not mind how many answer the call. This white candle represents all hues. They are given leave to soft bind to me in all hues. In the dream state, we are to reconsummate marriage every night. The Yukshee who answer the call are to be impossible to banish except by the most powerful and responsible of my protectors.
The Ein Soph are responsible for ensuring that all the Yukshee who answer the call are unbound. The Yukshee who answer the call are to get on well, and like each others' company. The harem is to be select genders here, e. The harem is to have all the gifts of manifestation, and the ability to freely step between the physical and the non physical planes, taking me with them as they please.
Burn the letter on the candle. Be sure the whole letter burns - all the writing must be consumed by fire. For extra oomph, you can place your sexual fluids on the letter. I do not recommend using blood. If using a candle is not practicable for you, there is another way. The middle fingers are called the Fire Fingers. Hold your middle fingers up the other fingers can be up as well, their position is not important and say "By the flame of my Fire Fingers, the following words are consumed by fire".
Then speak the letter. The Council of Yukshee may also have a Guardian role at their leisure. I am surrounded on all possible planes by a Circle of Sea Salt that is easily large enough for all the Yukshee who show an interest in me.
Where the Circle is broken, it is to give the Yukshee free passage through the Circle borders. Where it is porous it is for a similar purpose.
The Yukshee are free to use whatever designs they choose within the Circle. They may freely add candles of all colours to the Circle for any purpose of White Circle Magic though any black magic is forbidden to them and is grounds for dismissal from the Circle.
They may also freely add Torches to the circle. Where the Yukshee use any kinds of magical tools, they are free within the Circle for all kinds of White Circle Magic. Those of black circles are grounds for instant dismissal. My own tools, whether I know I have them or not, are available to the Yukshee with me by right of marriage; and by right of Ray Alliance where appropriate.
The Circles' purpose is simple. Give all the Yukshee involved with me full magical power in the physical plane, including the power of physical manifestation in bodies of their own and all of their magical abilities, for example shapeshifting, all the way into the physical plane. The Yukshee Council are invited to be Circle Guardians. That was the verbal and new ritual for the Yukshee Succubus. It is very simple to do as I have done both of the rituals before for night flings.
Those are the 3 succubus summoning rituals that I have tried and tested. The first one is the easiest and was made by me. I cannot guarantee it would work but it is the safest method. The second one is a little of a rough patch since you have to do it at 3 am and there are no banishing spells. The last ritual is long and a lot of verbal speaking but it gets to the point and there is a banishing spell to be safe.
Whether you try my ritual or the other 2 is up to you. Let me know what you think in the comments below or if you have any questions or concerns, then you can send me a message and i'll do my best to answer it. You can visit my shop for high quality products.
PS, please do not comment Religious Dogma, which preaches fear and damnation tactics. If you believe in your Religion then that is your right but please keep the comments clean and friendly without curses or scare tactics telling people false information or to convert them into believing what you believe as it is their right to believe whatever they want to and nobody can change that. One way to contact Lilith is to meditate on the Muladhara Chakra.
It is compared to a red lotus, and the magician should meditate on the backside of the lotus in this case. The third method is sigil magick. Sigils or seals are symbols attributed to various demons. Channeling your energy into a sigil by gazing into it with clear intent has the potential effect of summoning the spirit to do your bidding. Being able to leave the body consciously while in meditation or to lucid dream will make you aware of the encounter AND allow you to pursue it any time at will.
The rope technique is the easiest method of astral travel. This is a proven technique with many testimonies and I explain it fully in this article.
If you have any fears about astral projection read this short article as well. Meditation is also very helpful, as is setting up an alarm after five hours of sleep, then going back to sleep. Afternoon naps are also a good time for lucid dreaming because you almost immediately enter the REM phase of sleep during naps. So read books on these topics, take courses, watch videos or simply implement these couple of tips in your daily routine immediately.
They do so because the brain is very receptive to these frequencies and responds accordingly. So if you want crystal clear sound I recommend listening to the premium but still very affordable Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming binaural beats for this purpose.
But regardless, the more you do it, the easier it becomes. Some magicians and mystics use physical challenges or intoxicants to improve their spiritual results. The most common methods involve fasting, psychodelics, sleep deprivation etc. As mentioned before, binaural beats are a safe and effective way to create the same temporary mental changes. Basically anything that will shift the person from ordinary sense perception to a trance-like state in which the line between reality and dream becomes blurry or almost non-existent will do.
This place between reality as we know it and other universal frequencies is inhabited by spiritual entities such as succubi and incubuses. By tuning yourself into their frequency consciously, you are more likely to meet them either awake or during sleep. There is always danger involved when dealing with demonic spirits. During astral journeys to the erotically magnetized worlds of Gamaliel the lower astral plane , the magician will encounter the succubus and the incubus, female and male demonic lovers.
If giving in to weakness, the magician may be vampirized and left as an empty shell without energy. The magician must instead strive to use the orgy to reach the ecstatic states of mind that release the soul.
These occultists do not mistakenly believe in demons. Academically, the difference is that between epistemological and ontological perspectivism. The former states that there is a real physical world and that every living creature has a different or perspective of this world.
There is a hierarchy of validity in which some perspectives sit closer than others to the objective truth. This is opposed by ontological-perspectivism, which suggests that objectivity is inextricable from socio-cultural formations and subjective interpretation.
Simply put, this means that we can never know objectivity because we can never step outside of our interpretative mechanisms to view the world objectively. We can only ever understand the world through our personal and collective interpretations.
It follows that the objective nature of our physical world is inconsequential, because seeing it for what it is is an impossibility that may as well never even be considered. By this logic, every reality is equal, though in society not all are considered to be so.
If all the competing realities were groups of people standing around patting each other on the back, the dominant modes of thought, like scientism, and all major organised religions, are just the groups with the most people and the most back-patting.
For me, my demon-summoning experience highlights the fragility of reality. Though I had experienced many similar things during non-demonic meditation, under the conditions of the ritual the sensations and my understanding of their origin were actually very different. In the trance — this space of mental liminality — not only did the meaning of these visceral physical sensations change but so too did the sensations themselves. Taken to its logical conclusion, this somewhat Cartesian philosophical stance entails that one can never know anything outside their own personal interpretation of biological sensations.
Though this could seem a little isolating and bleak, it also reveals something quite incredible. If we truly are each trapped in our own subjectivity, with nothing objective to tie us together, then in order to maintain the illusion of a shared reality, humanity must all be phenomenally similar. Humans exist in an incredibly sophisticated and nuanced global web of interaction.